






Bubba is a non-shedding purebred toy poodle weighing 7lbs. He is a future stud. He is a deep Red. He is so mellow but is always down to play with the kids, he has learned to play tag and its a blast! Some days I swear he can understand us! He is one of our smartest dogs!

Trip is a low to no shedding mini F1BB goldendoodle weighing 23lbs. He is red and white. Trip is such a sweet boy, he loves to just follow me around while I work and stand at my feet. He plays so well with the kids and grand kids. He is just a lover.  

Stella is a non shedding, red and white parti, F1b mini goldendoodle weighing 18lbs. Stella enjoys running with Tilly and Milo. She`s a huge snuggle bug once evening rolls around. Depending upon what dad she is bred to she will produce mini or petite. Stella's puppies are expected to be approximately 12-25lbs.

Piper is a low shedding mini F1b weighing 27lbs. She has a cute beachy look with a very easy to care for coat. She has a very sweet nature and is great with little kids and small animals. Piper has that forever puppy doodle look. Piper's F1bb puppies are expected to be approximately 18-25lbs

Sasha is a low shedding mini F2 goldendoodle weighing 18lbs. She is a very fun loving girl, loves to get tummy rubs and cuddles.
Sasha is curly and non shedding.
She loves kids and loves her puppies very much. She has a very sweet nature.
Sasha petite puppies are expected to be approximately 12-20lbs depending on the father.

~ Up coming stud~
Max is a wavy coated F2 mini Goldendoodle.
He is expected to be about 20#.
He is playful and silly and loves to cuddle on the couch or run around with the kids.
We think he is going to make some beautiful babies just like he is.

 Shiloh is a petite F1b goldendoodle.
She weights about 16# and is a dark red curly girl that is non shedding.
Her favorite past time is playing with any puppies we have and following the little kids around when they come to visit.
Shiloh will be the new mommy to our petite and mini Goldendoodle babies.


Harlow is a low-shedding goldendoodle weighing 25lbs. She is a pretty red color and loves to stay busy. She really enjoys hiking and chasing waves on the coast. 

Avril is a low-shedding mini F1 goldendoodle weighing 23lbs.
This silly girl is full of tricks and we absolutely love her silly personality. She loves the water and spending time with our family.
